
We would like to take a moment to tell you what Covenant Baptist considers to be priorities for this ministry. It really can be summed by three commitments.

First, we are committed to the Exaltation of God. We desire that the people at Covenant truly understand who God is and His rightful place in their lives. He is our Lord and our Sovereign God to whom we owe worship and obedience. We proclaim God as Sovereign and Savior. He rules and reigns in the affairs of men  and He alone is able to save us from our sinful condition.

Second, we are committed to the Edification of the Saints. We consider it extremely important to correctly teach the Bible. This is why we are considered expository in our preaching and teaching. We want to teach verse by verse and explain what the Bible means so we can properly have the Holy Spirit apply it to our lives. The Pulpit ministry is a priority in this ministry. We are not concerned with programs or entertainment, but all our ministries are focused on Edification through Biblical Teaching. We believe and accept “The 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith” as our basis for all teaching and ministry.

Third, we are committed to Evangelization of the Sinner. We understand that God has given us the responsibility to be stewards of the Gospel and that means sharing it exactly like God gave it to us with those who need Jesus. We desire through local ministry and missions that the Gospel be proclaimed so many will come to know Him as Savior and Lord.